Tuesday Truths, October 8, 2024
Ah, travel—the thrill of adventure, new sights, unfamiliar sounds, and a slightly befuddled sense of direction.
My 40th Anniversary Excellent Adventure was all that and more!
But now that I’ve unpacked both my suitcase and my thoughts, I must admit: this trip left me absolutely exhausted.
It turns out that celebrating four decades of love with a road trip takes more out of me at this age.
The 40th Anniversary Excellent Adventure!
Cooperstown, NY
Now, don’t get me wrong — travel is amazing. But there’s one little thing that no one ever mentions in the brochures: the post-vacation slump.
It takes 2-3 days or even up to a week to recover from a vacation, depending on how long you have been gone, or how far you’ve gone, how active you were, and just how many times you told yourself, “I’m on vacation; I can eat that.”
Here are the Signs That You (Really) Need a Break
1. **You Can’t Get Motivated**: If your brain is stuck in vacation mode and refuses to clock back in, your inner travel guide says, “Hey, maybe let’s not jump into 50 emails just yet.”
2. **Muscles That Ache and Won’t Quit**: Remember all that hiking, walking tours, and the occasional sprint to the car. Well, your muscles do. And they’re staging a protest that says, “Let’s just sit on the couch for a while.”
3. **Added Exhaustion**: When you’re always on the go, it’s easy to overlook the signs of tiredness—especially if you’re chasing sunset views or navigating cobblestone streets.
Now that you are home, that wave of fatigue hits like a jet-lagged freight train.
4. **Can’t Get a Good Night’s Sleep**: Between the time zone changes and endless excitement, your sleep routine probably went on its own little adventure.
But sleep is your body’s ultimate reset button, and it’s time to find that snooze groove again.
5. **Appetite Changes**: Ever notice how your body craves either a whole pizza or nothing at all when you get back?
Those hormone levels are trying to re-sync after all those fancy meals, exotic desserts, and an extra cocktail or two.
Here are Your Tips for Bouncing Back
1.**Sleep, Sleep, Sleep**: Allow yourself to crash early and sleep late.
It’s the body’s way of hitting the refresh button.
2. **Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate**: After indulging in all those tasty vacation treats, water will be your new best friend.
It helps reduce bloat and banishes the post-travel puff.
3. **Eat Nutritious Foods**: Let’s face it—travel is not always conducive to balanced meals.
Reintroducing clean eating and some good protein will help fuel your recovery.
4. **Light Activities**: A little movement keeps the blood flowing and shakes out some of that travel stiffness.
Think strolls around the neighborhood or a gentle yoga session.
5. **Stretch it Out**: Stretching (or a session with a foam roller) is like giving your muscles a little thank-you note for all their hard work.
6. **Take Time to Decompress**: Let your mind catch up with your body.
Unpack those memories and your suitcase at a leisurely pace.
Allow yourself to process the incredible experience—post-trip blues are real, but they fade.
7. **Breathe Deeply**: A few deep breaths will remind you that home isn’t so bad.
Plus, being present is a great way to ease back into reality until your next adventure.
8. **Hide the Scale**: Look, your trip was fun. Fancy meals, wine, and a few extra indulgences were part of the package.
Give yourself a few days before you start worrying about numbers.
So, as I find myself back in my routine, I realize that sometimes, you need a vacation to recover from your vacation.
But while the legs are still sore, and the inbox might still be intimidating, the memories are worth every ounce of this delightful exhaustion.
Until next week, Trust Your Truths and live your life with AGE-GILITY!
Here’s to the next adventure—after some rest, of course!
I would love to hear about your last excellent adventure!
Bye for now!