- There are as many “right” diets as there are people on the planet
- What’s healthy for one person might not be healthy for YOU.
- Your body is the most powerful, least expensive and BEST dietary experimentation
lab in existence. Why? Because the body has an innate wisdom beyond any book or
authority. No matter which phase of life you are in, your body is the ultimate dietary
authority. - Diets are not useful as dogma; however, they are useful as references.
- Your diet changes as you change.
- Your RELATIONSHIP with food and your body impacts your health more powerfully
than the food you eat. - Every symptom, craving or behavior around food has a POSITIVE INTENTION;
therefore, symptoms, cravings or behaviors are not the problem, they are the best
SOLUTION you have come up with so far. - Nourishment is about much more than just food.