February 22, 2022
For the last few weeks, I have been discussing FEAR. Today, I’m going to take an
Introspective look—the Fear of feeling VULNERABLE. Vulnerability means you are comfortable opening up to others. You own your story and SELF WORTH.
What do I mean by that? Is it about AUTHENTICITY? Representing one’s true nature or beliefs. Our true self! KNOWING we are ENOUGH. Authenticity is the most significant gift we can give ourselves and those around us. As a
client of my work, I continuously cultivate AUTHENTICITY and cope with my
Vulnerability. I do this by stepping out of my comfort zone, like showing up weekly to these weekly live videos!
Staying vulnerable is a risk to putting yourself “out there” about what you are passionate about and what you want to share. Nothing to hide! I love seeing the quotes others are sharing. I know they are doing more profound work, showing THEIR Vulnerability. Most people fear failure. Essentially Fear of failing is a fear of, SHAME, SELF BLAME & DOUBT. In addition, there is a condition; FEAR of FAILING called “Atychiphobia,” which can be crippling……. with self-doubt. “Failure is Success if we Learn from It” ~ Malcolm Forbes.
So, what have I been doing about overcoming my Fear and Vulnerability? First, I work with a coach! Working with my coach, I’m acknowledging feelings about my Vulnerability & judgment of what others may think. I embrace my imperfection, and I find the courage to put myself out there about my new purpose in my life. I have self-compassion and connect with a community of like-minded individuals. It’s referred to as “Whole Heartedness” – Love of Self! I am enough. ~Brene Brown.
I have seven simple steps to help overcome Fear:
1. Breathe – Basic breathing techniques such as deep breathing helps you
to calm your CNS to reduce your anxiety & worries
2. Expect the best when you feel this way – What’s the worst thing that can
3. Imagine your PASSIONS & PURPOSE is SO BIG it squashes your Fear.
4. The more experience you have, the more confidence you build. -No
matter what it is.
5. Take ACTION – “Just Do It” even if it makes you uncomfortable.
6. Avoid making negative assumptions – That nothing will work.
Think about all the positive lessons that you can learn from Fear.
There is NO FAILURE, only FEEDBACK. ~ Robert Allen
Sometimes, we are so focused on our goals we fail to get the valuable lesson learned from our failures. However, we can learn failing is an experience that can lead to success. Ancient Chinese proverb: “Failure is the mother of success.”
So don’t let old beliefs that limit you from reaching your goals. Small failures, like small “habit changes, lead to BIG Successes. The best advice I have ever received is, “Don’t let FEAR BIGGER than YOUR Dreams!
As a self-acclaimed “Recovering Perfectionist,” – I’m working on acquiring the “GIFT of Imperfection!”
More of that introspection to come
Until next week…TRUST YOUR TRUTH!