Tuesday Truths June 14, 2022
“The New Truth About Aging”
I read a great article in this month’s AARP Bulletin reporting a study done late in 2021. Journalists from National Geographic and AARP collaborated and interviewed more than 2,500 people aging from 18 to those in their 90s of all backgrounds, demographics, and ethnicities. Another 25 adults over 40 and others participated in an in-depth interview.
So here we go…..It is time to throw out all the stereotypes about aging and how older Americans are REDEFINING HEALTH, DEFYING CHALLENGES, and LIVING WITH a PURPOSE!
Age is just a number assigned to us, and most would like to live longer to enjoy life and be healthy as we age.
The conventional thought was you were healthy or sick. However, about 2 out of 3 people in their fifties and 8 out of 10 in their eighties live with chronic health conditions. Despite having arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions, 78-83% rate themself in good health, very good, or excellent!
According to Susan Friedman, MD, a professor at the University of Rochester division of Geriatrics and Aging, “There is a survival benefit to RESILIENCE.
People can REFRAME their situation and make the best of it.”
“Health is multidimensional.”
The interesting aspect of the article was that we start at 18-39
thinking our health is good at 42%, dropping to 37% between
40-49. At 50-59, we start to see an increase back to 39%
60-69 44% and 70-80+ 49%!!
Due to lack of mobility and mental decline, older Americans are now practicing and living with “AGE-GILITY!” This model of
Healthy Living is something the younger generations should
Last week, I talked about strength resistance training as we age.
An impressive 44% of people age 80 and older do
strength training. This group is as serious as the youngest in the
Here is the crucial part. Many equate “muscle strength.”
with mobility and independence, says Dr. Friedman.
These percentages were also similar to the questions asked
about HAPPINESS and RELATIONSHIPS! It shouldn’t surprise
you that this follows the “U” Curve.
It starts HIGH when we are young. Then, it dips in & hits a low
in our 40s and begins to climb back up steadily. Two out of three of the oldest adults 80+ say they are Living Their Best
“Possible” Lives compared to one out of five younger adults.
It’s about recognizing the POSITIVE and letting go of the
Optimistic people are likely to engage in healthy behaviors.
Prof Becca Levy, Yale School of Public Health research, has
shown that positive beliefs about the aging process can “buffer
the stress, bolster your sense of control over your life and
even your “will to live, and motivate good habits.”
The study was refreshingly positive and reassuring, especially
for those over 60.
The second half of our lives is in our hands. So MIDLIFE CRISIS,
MOVE OVER! 60 is the new 40!
It’s time to step back and realize your health is not a given, but
it’s time to shift in attitude about relationships, longevity, and
well-being. Start Living Your Life! It is a MINDSET!
Do things you have never tried before! Be a model for those in
their 30s, 40s, and 50s who do not have the attitudes and
attributes we have gained with life experiences.
Here is your CALL to ACTION. I have a program to help you
PURPOSE! It’s called “STOP MISSING YOUR LIFE,“ which will
empower you to build the personal confidence you need to
redefine your goals for your long life. “There is a lot of living left
to do.” Dennis Alan
Until next week, Trust Your Truths and live with AGE-GILITY!