If you’re new to Tapping, you may wonder, what exactly is this Tapping thing? And how can it help me?
First off, Tapping isn’t new. Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT), and Emotional Brain Training (EBT), among others, is psychological acupressure is an easy healing tool. The technique combines ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. It involves tapping on different parts of your body, specific meridian points through which energy flows, with your fingers, mostly with your dominant hand.
If you’ve just heard about Tapping, it’s likely because it’s been hitting the mainstream more and more in recent years with experts, physicians, psychiatrists, celebrities, athletes, and the media covering it. After all, well… it works! According to EFT International, this technique can help those with; chronic pain, anxiety, depression, stress, weight issues, PTSD, and other problems.
The latest science shows that tapping these points sends a calming signal to the brain’s amygdala. In addition, cortisol, the stress hormone, can also be reduced during this relaxation technique.
“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”
Once tuned into the issue, Tapping stimulates the energy pathways, balancing the energy disruptions to resolve physical and emotional problems.
Here are “5” Basic Steps:
- Identify the Issue: Choose one issue to focus on at a time.
- Test the Initial Intensity: Benchmark the level of the issue on a scale of 0-10.
- The Setup: Reminder phrase of acknowledgment of the problem (self-acceptance).
- The Sequence: Taps on specific points repeating the phase.
- Test the Intensity): Rank the level of the issues on a scale of 0-10. Repeat until 0.
Sounds pretty cool, right? Let me know if you want to learn this easy holistic practice technique!